The way you cut a cigar significantly affects the subsequent smoking experience. Below are some essential tips on how to cut cigars as well as helpful advice covering the four different cutters.

You always cut a cigar before lighting it to allow air to travel through it. The following four tips are crucial for an optimal smoking experience.

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1. Sharp blades

A sharp blade is an essential requirement for a clean cut. A blunt cutter, a dull punch, or a nicked blade of cigar-cutting scissors would damage the wrapper so that it could come unraveled.

2. Swift motion

Below we present the four different kinds of opening tools. Nonetheless, the following applies to all tools: For a clean cut and thoroughly enjoyable smoke, you should cut the cigar in a single, swift, yet precise motion.

3. Cutting the cigar correctly

It is particularly crucial not to damage the wrapper of the cigar when you cut it. Cigars with a pointed cap, like the Torpedo, Perfecto, or the Diadema, are less at risk because the wrapper of these formats is rolled right up to the tip. How far down you cut these cigars only affects the size of the cigar opening and thus the draw volume. In the case of non-pointed formats, like the Robusto, Corona, Churchill, or the Panetela, you may only cut a few millimeters, and it is crucial to avoid damaging the wrapper. Otherwise, you risk the wrapper coming unraveled and reduce the enjoyment of the smoke. If you want to cut these formats properly, look for the place before the head. It is also vital to keep the cigar as straight as possible when you put it in the cutter to avoid cutting it at an angle.

4. Biting the end off cigars?

Although Western heroes do it in movies, biting off the end of a cigar is not recommended for three reasons: Firstly, it increases the risk of the wrapper being damaged. Secondly, the teeth create a less even, clean cut. And thirdly, you are left with bits of tobacco in your mouth, which can significantly spoil the smoking experience – after all, you want to enjoy the tobacco by smoking and not eating it. However, moistening the head of the cigar with the mouth is allowed and even reduces the risk of the cigar being damaged when you cut it afterward.


Cigar cutting – Four tools

You usually cut a cigar at the head (mouth end) before lighting it to ensure an optimal smoking experience. There are four different types of cutting tools, which are more or less suitable depending on the size and format of the cigar, as well as the experience of the smoker.

Double-blade cutter, guillotine, and easy cutter

Double-blade cutters are particularly ideal for small cigars with a narrow ring gauge and tapered formats like the Torpedo, Perfecto, or Diadema. Single-blade guillotines require you to keep the cigar as straight as possible when you put it in the cutter to avoid cutting it at an angle. The advantage of cutting a cigar using this method is the large opening of the cigar and, thus, the full enjoyment of smoking the cigar with its aromas.

A double-blade cutter is also suitable for beginners, especially when it comes with a closed end. This is probably the cigar cutter that everyone has been waiting for who has not felt confident yet. In contrast to standard cutters, it has a closed back.


The V-cutter has two blades that cut a wedge into the cigar at a 45-degree angle. This method is particularly recommended for medium and small formats if you want to experience an intense smoke. You should apply some pressure when you put the cigar in the cutter to ensure an optimal cut.


A punch cigar cutter allows you to “punch” a beautiful hole in the cigar. The tool punches a clean hole into the cigar head, which has a slightly lower draw volume than the other cutters. The punch cigar cutter is particularly recommended for large formats like the Robusto or the Corona. It creates a 5–9-millimeter-wide and a 1.5-millimeter-deep hole in the cigar head, thereby also removing a little tobacco from the layer below. This cutting method leaves the wrapper untouched and protects against unwanted tobacco crumbs.


Scissors work like double-blade cutters and are suitable for cigars of cigars of any size and shape. You cut the cigar head from both sides. The shape of the scissors allows you to cut with the utmost precision, thus producing a high-quality result. Since the scissors cut a large area, much air can travel through the cigar, allowing you to savor the aromas fully. Cigar scissors are particularly suitable for the Torpedo format.

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The guide on cigar etiquette contains more useful tips for getting the most out of your cigar. 

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